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Fig. 5 | Biological Research

Fig. 5

From: The effect of diabetes mellitus on differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into insulin-producing cells

Fig. 5

Immunostaining of insulin in pancreata of STZ-induced diabetic rats. A Immunostaining of insulin in control non injected group (upper most), STZ-induced diabetic rats (second from top), STZ-induced rats treated with N-Ad-MSCs (third from top) or DM-Ad-MSCs (lowest). B Quantification of insulin positive cells/high power field (HPF). Control: non injected group; STZ + PBS, n = 3: group injected with STZ and PBS, n = 3; N-Ad-MSCs: animals injected with STZ and transplanted with N-Ad-MSCs, n = 3; DM-Ad-MSCs: animals injected with STZ and transplanted with DM-Ad-MSCs, n = 3. a: significant different from Control, at p-value < 0.05. b: significant different from STZ + PBS, at p-value < 0.05

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